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Logo of the Eglise Protestante Unie de France


We are a Christian church which hopes to create community for people of Chamonix regardless of religion.   Our aim is to create a place of encounter, whether spiritually or materially.  To this end we have a thriving carers and tots group, we hold many conferences during the summer on all sorts of topics; we host the Chambelles Choir, a local fund-raising choral group.  We hold regular meals for the disadvantaged population in Chamonix, and we share our premises with the Muslim population when they need prayer space.

We hope to transform and renovate the church in order that the premises can be used for all sorts of activities throughout the year, notably by insulating and heating the church to make a polyvalent space.


We produce a quarterly newsletter in French which contains reflections from our pastor, event details, news, articles for reflection and information about the church services for the months ahead.  Click here to read the latest journal and the recent back catalogue. Subscribe on the Home page to receive it every quarter.


We have a Carers & Tots group open to all carers and parents or grandparents with babies who are not yet at school.  We meet during the school term in the Salle Paroissale in the Presbytery every Thursday morning from 10 am to 12 noon.  


For more details please contact Barbara Falkiner on + 33 6 23 04 78 10 or email us or check out the Facebook ChamCats Group (Chamonix Carers and Tots)

kids club

We have a Kids Club which meets once a month, on a Friday.  This group is for young people aged 6-12.  


We meet in the presbytery in Chamonix at 18h until 19h30.  


Please contact Barbara Falkiner on +33 6 23 04 78 10 for further details or email us or use the contact form below.

need help?

If you have any specific need please contact the Pastor Romain Gavache.   Together with the church family he will try to assist or point you in the right direction.  We can suggest relationship and bereavement counsellors or just listen if you need to talk through an issue.

baptisms & christenings

We are happy to discuss traditional baptisms and christenings, or oversee alternative ceremonies such as thanksgiving ceremonies for the birth of a baby or presentation of the child to the community.

weddings & blessings

We offer religious blessings on your marriage.  We do not turn any couple away who comes to the church for a blessing.   There will be preparation with the pastor or the celebrant, to ensure that your blessing adds to your marriage after the ceremonies are over.


Please contact the Pastor if you have experienced a death in your family or immediate circle.  We can support bereaved relatives and friends. 

bible study

Summer and winter, at home or in the mountains, with coffee, lunch or a picnic, join us for English and French bible studies,

Volunteer Groups

We welcome people to join our parish visitors team.  We also need people who can help to prepare and serve meals a few times a year, when we work with the Epicerie Sociale.


Throughout the year, and especially during the summer months, we are host to exhibitions on varying themes.


Throughout the year, we host a wide range of concerts, from gospel to baroque, Handel to Brahms, pop and rock!

chamonix protestant

+33 4 50 55 85 60

24 passage du Temple

74400 Chamonix Mont-Blanc


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Thank you! Merci!

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